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Latest ITMO Insights into the Article 6 Paris Agreement Carbon Market, ITMOs and Sovereign Carbon.


Meeting CORSIA’s Demand with Sovereign ITMOs
September 12, 2024By Michael Mathres, Chief Marketing Officer, ITMO Ltd.

As the Airline industry entered its first CORSIA decarbonisation implementation phase (2024-2026) there is currently a shortage of Eligible Emission Units (EEUs) to help the industry meet its climate-compliant targets. ITMO Ltd. explores how this can be resolved by using Sovereign Article 6 ITMOs from the Paris Agreement. Read Insight>>


How EU Countries & Companies Can Use ITMOs
August 28, 2024By Michael Mathres, Chief Marketing Officer, ITMO Ltd.

Now that the world’s first Sovereign Article 6 ITMOs have been issued under the Paris Agreement, how can EU Member States and European Corporations use them to achieve their climate targets? In this brief, ITMO Ltd. explores this option, available today, for European Member States and the European private sector. Read Insight>>

Singapore Carbon Tax ITMOs

Singapore’s Carbon Tax & Sovereign Article 6 ITMOs

August 24, 2024 – By Michael Mathres, Chief Marketing Officer, ITMO Ltd.

As Singapore decarbonises its economy, it also recognises its limited ability to source and scale carbon credits given its constraints as a small island city state. Therefore, by implementing international cooperation through and with the new Paris Agreement Carbon Market, and aligning themselves with Article 6, Singapore and its industry can achieve its climate targets with ITMOs. Read Insight>>

Article 6 Carbon Credit ITMOs Into the EU

Integrating Article 6 ITMOs into the EU’s CBAM

August 18, 2024 – By Michael Mathres, Chief Marketing Officer, ITMO Ltd.

As Carbon Credits from Article 6 of the Paris Agreement could be used in regulated carbon markets, a new report written by HFW proposes how these ITMOs could be integrated into the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM). It also explains its challenges, which ITMO Ltd. addresses through the world’s first issuance of Article 6 Sovereign ITMOs. Read Insight>>